Full Album Lyrics
All lyrics © Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
Take Hold
How Long?
Great is the Lord
Deep Calls to Deep
Have Mercy
Based on Psalm 8
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
When I consider the heavens, each brilliance
The work of your hands
See the moon and the stars lit
Like candles, this glowing expanse
What is man that you are mindful
Just a speck in the universe
You have made them a little lower than the angels
And crowned them with glory
From the mouths of the infants
Your praise grows, in swelling ascent
Drowning out all the chatter
Believing the words you have said
Who are we that love was spoken
What is breath that fills these lungs
You have made us to guard and care for Your creation
You have made us to flourish all the life that’s given
You have made us beloved keepers of the kingdom
And called us your children
O God, Brilliant God
Your name echoes round the earth
Brilliant God
Displayed in your handiwork
Brilliant God
Your name written on our hearts
In our DNA, in the moon and stars
Based on Psalm 104
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
Your creation, springing to life around me
Flowering earth astounding
Rising in joyful melody
Your creation satisfied with Your giving
Made by Your Spirit living
Teeming with holy song
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Your provision, given to feed your planet
Oil and wine that gladden
Water to grow and multiply
Your provision, beast and bird receiving
Forest and rock retrieving
Trickling down to bless, singing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Wind and clouds, light and fire bow to You
Rains that fall to paint the mountains new
Sun and moon, sea and stars look to You
Rocks and trees, hills and streams call out
And the Spirit bringing the Son all glory
Writing us in His story
Everything old is coming new
By Your power, raising to life our ruin
Healing the earth ,Your doing
Soil and soul rejoice, singing
Take Hold
Based on Psalm 18
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
I was down, sinking fast
Devil waters rushed around me at last
Closed in tight
I couldn’t breathe
Then I called in the night
You reached down and took hold of me
Out from the waters deep
Strong did the currents sweep
Yet You came and saved me
Up to the highest heights
Up to the seat of Christ
Lifted the veil of night when You came and saved me
You pulled us out
Out from the grave
Death was certain, but Your mercy did save
Cut back the ropes, tore off the chains
Set us free on the shore
You lifted us up, You lifted us up, You lifted us up from darkness to light
The Lord is by your side
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
When the world is breaking all around you
And your heart is pulling at the seams
Hold on
When the weight is too much on your shoulders
And you’ve walked this lonely life alone
Hold on
He’ll carry you through the storm
He’ll carry you through the fire
His love is steady, steady
He’ll hold you through whatever comes
Though others turn He’ll never run
His love is steady,
When the walls are crumbling all around you
And your safety’s defenseless on the ground
Hold on
When the best years are stolen from your safe keep
And your fortress falls without a fight
Hold on
He’ll be beside when no one’s left
When people change and love forgets
His love is steady, steady
He’ll stick around until the end
When life goes spinning off the edge
His love is steady,
When your soul is shaking
And you can’t go on
When you’ve hit rock bottom and the hope you had is gone
There’s a love that will hold you
He’ll be right by your side
When the world is breaking all around you
And your heart is pulling at the seams
Hold on
He’ll gather you up to the shore
When you run out He still got more
His love is steady, steady
He’ll carry you across the breach
Where walls collapse his love will reach
His love is steady,
Based on Psalm 139
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
You have searched me and know me
When I sit or when I rise
My head was down but still you found me
Walking alleys, kickin’ tires
That You think of me
All my life laid bare
Every turn, every trial, every tear
It’s too wonderful, wonderful, wonderful
Before a syllable’s spoken, before a vow’s broken
You know it complete
Stitched together my frame, my name, the lifeblood in these veins
The cells and strands that run through me
That you call our names
Though we often drift away
Still You throw Your arms open wide and run
Nothing hindering, this great welcoming
You bring us close, past the curtain through Your Son
It’s too wonderful, wonderful, wonderful
To be loved, to be known
When you’re broken down and there’s miles left to go
To be seen, in the dark
When your night forgets and your lamp has lost it’s spark
It’s too wonderful, It’s too wonderful
This grace that found me, Your love astounding
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful
All the pages of life set
Before You like a book
Every chapter from first till close
Every twist, every turn and every fold
That you write our names
On these stones of grace
From the sketch of birth until our finished days
Unconditional, love’s great miracle
That before you God we see you face to face
It’s too wonderful
This grace that found me, this love astounding
Too wonderful,
That such great kindness falls to me
It’s too wonderful
This grace that found me
His love astounding
It’s too wonderful
That such great kindness falls to me
My heart so often like a stone
That comes to life when You take hold
Too wonderful, wonderful, wonderful
How Long?
Based on Psalm 13
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
How long?
Will You hide your face from me?
How long?
Till the sun breaks through the cloud?
How long?
Must I wrestle with these grief
How long?
Till this sorrow leaves the heart
Years will pass and beauty fade
But I’ll put my trust in Your unfailing love
Life betray and goodness hide
But I’ll put my trust in your unfailing love
In Your unfailing love
How long?
Will our hearts be in despair
How long?
Will these tears fall like the rain
How long?
Will this light grow ever dim
Come O Day – Chase the shadows far away
Tears will fall and heartbreak hold
But in suffering the valleys turn to gold
Life burn up and fierce winds blow
But somehow the fire makes forests grow
Makes the forests grow
How long?
Will our sin cause hate and harm?
How long?
Will we fight this enemy?
Based on Psalm 46
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
Though the mountains fall into the sea
Though the canyons crumble within me
All that’s held and dear goes crashing deep
Though the waters roar with fury’s foam
Though the oceans surge and beat to bone
All that’s strong now trembles like I’ve never ever known
The pillars and the ramparts plunge to sea
Years and years of built up strength in me
Ripping, dragging with it mighty peaks, down falls all that’s green
Down, falling down
Under now
Silence found near the bottom
Down, courage down
Submerged now
Sunk and found on the bottom
Come and see, who makes the wars to cease
Brings shattered shell to peace
Each wielded weapon seized under this Reign
Come behold, his ways are branch and dove
that scatter hate with with love
to every corner of this world will go
There is a Stream
That travels holy lands
That makes the city glad
This tributary fans out far and wide
God is within her, She won’t fail
God will help her, at the break of day
Nations in uproar, Kingdoms are falling
He lifts his voice, and the earth melts
Great is the Lord
Based on Psalm 96
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
And they lift their branches to the Great I AM
And they join in chorus giving back the life that they were lent
In waiting canopy
The forest bursts with joy
And they grow in bushels rising up to feed
And they sprout in season showing true the Sower and the seed
In faithful gratitude
The fields swell in praise
Great is the Lord, great is the Lord
In splendor adored, creation restored, Your glory behold
And the heavens glitter in dazzling display
And the grasslands stretch for miles rolling out their carpet down the golden plain
And the rocks and hills cry out
Great is the Lord, great is the Lord
In splendor adored, creation restored
Your glory behold
Great is the Lord, great is the Lord
In splendor adored, all people restored
Your glory behold
Great is the Lord, Great is the Lord
In choir and song, in symphony long, and endless applause
Great is the Lord, Great is the Lord
In splendor adored, all people restored
Your glory behold
Deep Calls to Deep
Based on Psalm 42
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
All your waves have swept over me
And your breakers thunder down
With the power sounding in the deep
And your love pounds all around
From the mountain pouring down the rock
Where your towering presence calls
Far am I where streams have long run dry
Hear the roaring waterfalls
Deep calls to deep
Like a memory in the dead of night
Like a flicker in the dark
Comes awake a longing deep within
Come the presence of the spark
Have Mercy
Based on Psalm 51
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
Only You know the far reaches of my rebellion
Only You see the poison in my veins
Only You know the discontentment that inside rages
Only You see the wreckage I can wage
Have mercy on us O God
Have mercy on us O God
Have mercy on us O God
Have mercy on us O God
Only You know the name and faith that I am chasing
Only You see the kingdom I pursue
Only You see the empty hungers that eat inside us
The wild fires that char and burn us through
Based on Psalm 22
Copyright 2023 Mike Janzen. All rights reserved.
I can feel the shadows move
Around me as I disappear
They’re circling around
Hungry eyes that wait to tear
Pushing, ranking for their share
Circling around
Words that pierce and bleed me out
Left exposed with they mock and shout
Emptied and despised
My God, my God why have you forsaken me?
I am like the desert owl
Lonely perched among the ruins
Cursed to sleep awake
All day long with words they taunt
Cursing out they cast their lots
Left to drink these tears
My God, my God
My God, my God why have you forsaken me?
For He has not despised the suffering of the afflicted one
All the ends of the earth – from the dust of the earth in the Great Assembly
All the ends of the earth – rises language and song, rises saints and each family
All the ends of the earth – and the poor will come eat, and the suffering finally done
All the ends of the earth – and all dust will take flesh, and all people will rise to Thee
All the ends of the earth
All the ends of the earth
All the ends of the earth will bow before You
All honour, and glory and power be Yours